❝ Life goes on and they mustlive. ❞

andrewwtca's commission info

may refuse commission based on: familiarity, comfort, and/or timeemail: [email protected] | twitter: andrewwtca
status: closed, thank you for your interest!


pricing :
$10 usd for 1K words
$5 usd for every 1K past that
max 10K words ($55)
will not pay for extra words written
payment through amazon gift cards (US)
full payment due after first draft
no refunds
when commissioning, specify :
fandom, if any
present or past tense, third or first person
>> ex. fantasy
>> ex. enemies to lovers + coffee shop
desired number of words
>> I can help figure this out when supplied with a plot!


will write! :

original content + characters

will NOT write :

NSFW/sexually explicit
real people fiction (rpf)

strengths :
romance + yearning
mental breakdowns
please be patient! I am a full-time student
will be given a timeline, updates, and WIPs!
will be given a pdf of the piece
only for personal use


fluff : let the rain kiss you

It actually does rain harder, but it's a lot warmer now so Sunny just laughs. And Basil laughs and Sunny laughs, and they grab each other's hands and they interlock fingers with each other and laugh and with rain drenching them, their lips find each other. Arms at sides, bodies pressed against each other, lips dancing.Their lips are not any more graceful than them. It's clumsy, and they're laughing so hard that they can't actually properly kiss, and their noses keep bumping into one another, and they're seconds away to collapsing on the floor from how hard they're fucking laughing, and oh, this is exactly what Sunny wanted.

angst : oath

And then he raises his arms, hands balled into fists, and he lets out a scream. “HOME!” He laughs it, he screams it, and Riku stands there like he’s watching art. Sora spins with his arms up, and Riku realizes that the only reason not screaming with Sora is because he thinks he’s dreaming. He thinks Sora’s not home and he thinks this is cruel, but when Sora shoves his jacket off his shoulders, revealing tan skin covered in scars, oh—Riku knows this is no dream.“Home,” Riku repeats and Sora looks at him. He must’ve thought the same thing, and then, all at once, they have the same epiphany: oh. You’re real. You’re so, so real.They run to each other and they tackle each other to the sand. They run hands all over each other, trying to see what a year has done to them—taller, stronger, shorter, weaker, they say all the words to each other because that’s what the year has done to them. It tore them apart and stitched them back together with a broken needle and they’re torn goods now. They’re the dolls on the shelves that no one will buy and Sora buries his head into Riku’s neck, letting out a scream.

humor : half off my heart

“The moon is beautiful.”Shinji snorts. “Good for it?”“Wait, no, let me use a pick-up line!” He stares off thoughtfully, before smiling (Shinji has been staring too hard. Kaworu always looks like he’s smiling but now Shinji can tell when he’s actually smiling and when he’s not and it’s horrible.) “You’re—"Shinji has been staring too hard and if this goes on any longer, he’ll be worse than a fool, so he grabs Kaworu’s shoulder and begins to cross the morning street. “Shut up and take me where you want to go.”“You’re so rough, Shinji,” Kaworu whimpers, faking sniffles. “I just want to be your friend!”“Yuck. I’ll pass.”